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Electronic Medical Records Help Physical Therapy Sessions Run Smoother For Clients

Marleena Debrough, MPT, at InMotion Physical Therapy demonstrates her ConnectCare proficiency on a WOW (work station on wheels).Electronic medical records have been hailed as the next “big thing” in medicine. No longer a luxury; they’re becoming a care requirement – which is a good thing for patients.

At Bon Secours In Motion our EMR, ConnectCare, enables us to access a patient’s medical data in a single electronic health record (EHR), including medical history, allergies, test results and medications, in one secure and confidential electronic record. The patient’s care team has access to all treatment plans and safety alerts, ensuring continuity of care throughout a patient’s life.

Through ConnectCare, medical staff can readily access confidential patient information from any computer to review charts and analyze test results. Physicians, nurses and staff are presented with an immediate and comprehensive overview of a patient’s medical history, and multiple users can access the same patient record at the same time.

This streamline gives therapists more time to accommodate patients, focus on the therapy, and to provide more services to patients.

EMR for physical therapy services includes physical therapy documentation software which records clients’ visit for sessions and can really improve patients’ scheduling process so that physical therapy services are offered to clients in a more organized system.