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Five Challenging Exercises You Can Do Barefoot at the Beach

In Motion Sports Performance Specialists, team training, sports training, Hampton Roads, Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Suffolk, Portsmouth, Chesapeake, Hampton, Newport NewsFive easy (okay, we lied)… Five CHALLENGING exercises you can do barefoot at the beach!

  1. Sand Sprints: Pick two landmarks that you can run between. These runs should take you 12-30 seconds. Repeat 5 times with a 10 second rest in between each. Barefoot running in the sand is difficult-focus on not striking with your heel first.
  2. Squat Jumps: Start with your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart. Squat low with your hands by your ears and keep your knees over your ankles (as opposed to over your toes) and jump high. Do five sets of 10 repetitions with a 10 second rest in between each set.
  3. Crab Walk: Yup, just like in elementary school. Find those same landmarks and crabwalk between them forward and backward. Repeat 5 times and rest for 10 seconds in between. Remember to keep your abs pulled in tight (to protect your low back) and don’t drag your butt. So you’ll look a little goofy-who cares! You’ll be STRONG!
  4. Push-Ups: Flip over from your crab stance to your push-up stance and assume the position. Do five push-ups and then walk your hands forward 5 steps and do five more. Walk your hands back and do your last five. Rest for 10 seconds and then repeat the series two more times.
  5. Bear Crawls: Remain in your push-up position and push up with your arms. Move your body forward, to move between your two land marks, by bringing your alternating right knee up as you bring your left hand forward and then switch (bring your right hand forward and your left knee/foot/leg up). Try not to stick your backside in the air and contract your abdominals. Also, keep your head in line with your spine (aka don’t hang your head).

This workout is a core killer and will give you better pillar strength and really work those lower extremities, especially your hip flexors, calves, and feet. You are probably feeling the love in your shoulders, back and chest from those crab-walks and bear crawls too.

Sean Stiltner, LPTADon’t forget to do a dynamic warm-up and a mobile cool down and always listen to your body and hydrate. Now go jump in the ocean-you are all sweaty and sandy!

Thanks for these great ideas from Sean Stiltner, LPTA and Beach Athlete Extraordinaire (pictured at right) from our In Motion at Hilltop Clinic!