Physical Therapy in Hampton Roads
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Stacy Graham, ST

GrahamSpeech Therapist, ST

Areas of Specialization: Stacy enjoys the complexity of cognitive-linguistics and neurological impairments.


• BachelorofArts,Speech-LanguagePathology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina
• MasterofArts,Speech-LanguagePathology, Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia

Stacy is motivating, caring and a team player in both the inpatient and outpatient settings. Her helpful nature inspires her patients to meet their goals on the path to recovery.

Stacy grew up in Rocky Mount, NC. After attending school in Virginia, she decided to make Hampton Roads her home. She is an avid reader; in her spare time you can find her curled up with a good book, painting or sweating it out in the amateur boxing ring.

Good help is me… “I am proud of the happiness that I can bring back to patient’s lives.”