Physical Therapy in Hampton Roads
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Recovering from an Orthopaedic Surgery at Home

After an orthopaedic surgery, whether it’s an arthroscopic acl repair, a shoulder surgery, or a total hip replacement, chances are that your surgeon will prescribe you some physical therapy to help rebuild strength and mobility.

If your physician prescribes therapy, a physical therapist will visit you as soon as possible after surgery to ask you to move your joint, stand and/or walk with the assistance of a walker or cane to prevent circulation problems and strengthen your muscles.

Your post-surgical physical therapy program should continue shortly after your return home, and be conducted under your physician’s guidance and supervision. A typical physical therapy program includes isometric exercises that tighten the muscles around a joint without moving the joint in order to regain your mobility as soon as possible. Your therapist can show you appropriate ways to accommodate your daily lifestyle while you are recovering.

Your surgeon will be in charge of determining when you will be able to return to work, drive a car, or do low-impact aerobic exercises such as walking, golfing, or swimming. Participation in jogging and high-contact sports may require a longer period of recovery.

Recovery at Home

If you’re planning on recovering at home, you may want to prepare your home before surgery so it will be comfortable and safe when you return from the hospital. Think safety first by removing any hazards including floor rugs, loose cables, and clutter that may cause you to slip and fall. Organize the items you’ll need on a daily basis within arm’s reach to reduce unnecessary movement during the first few days you’re home.

According to the Arthritis Foundation, the success of your surgery depends significantly on how well you follow your post-operative instructions. Rest when you need, but moving frequently will help you increase your activity level to heal and feel better.In the same vein, it’s important to follow the exercise program developed by your physical therapist diligently. This will help your muscles regain strength.

More questions about orthopaedic rehab? Contact us today for more information about what to expect!

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