Physical Therapy in Hampton Roads
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"I achieved a huge milestone during my PT today"

After undergoing physical therapy with therapist Matt Ammons, a patient at our Healthy Way location left some glowing praise:

“ [I was] compelled to request recognition for Matt Ammons when I achieved a huge milestone during my PT today, I do not believe I could have accomplished nearly as much without Matt as my therapist. Beginning with my initial assessment with Matt and throughout every PT session, Matt has proven to be one of the best of the best.

Matt is extremely knowledgeable and always takes time to carefully listen to and consider all my concerns and questions and address [them]. He greatly exceeds ordinary standards in my experience of prior PT on three other occasions…. Matt exhibits unwavering commitment to kind, compassionate, supportive, respectful, understanding, inspiring and motivational healing patient care.”

The patient also extended her praise to the rest of the clinical staff:

“All front desk staff and all technicians I have encountered throughout my PT always demonstrate extraordinary excellence in every aspect of patient care. [They are] extremely kind, knowledgeable, proficient, caring, and respectful. They are all an invaluable asset to Bon Secours and truly embody the values and exceed them on a daily basis…. I can not envision a better group of staff.”