Physical Therapy in Hampton Roads
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"It has been a tough journey but without Matt … I would not have been successful."

We recently received this testimonial from a very appreciative physical therapy patient working with Matt Ammons from our Healthy Way location:

“[I’m] completing my physical therapy program today and want to acknowledge the significant role my therapist, Matt Ammons, played in my recovery. I am certain I could not have accomplished the significant level of improvement I’ve achieved without the combination of an extraordinary therapeutic approach and the utmost level of support exhibited by Matt throughout.

Successful completion of physical therapy requires patient commitment and adherence. From the start in early July I was committed and determined to do my best but due to severe levels of pain, significant crippling disability, and feeling ill and depressed most all of the time, I did not believe I could accomplish much or even complete the program. I thought it more likely I would be heading to a nursing home as I was having difficulty with basic self care. Starting with my assessment, Matt somehow began convincing me I could succeed, believing in me before I was able to. He conveyed confidence in my success.

Matt made sure I maintained my determination, encouraging and inspiring me throughout therapy. His superior skills as a therapist played a most significant role in developing a regime ideal for me and his impressive interpersonal skills inspired me, especially when I needed it most. It has been a tough journey but without Matt supporting me and providing the dynamic level of care I would not have been successful.

I had completed physical therapy three times in the past and Matt is by far the best therapist I have ever worked with. His knowledge and understanding of my illness was thorough. Each and every question or concern was immediately and completely addressed and my individual needs and circumstances were always taken into account.

Matt Ammons provided me with an overall superior level of care. At all times, Matt exhibited devoted uncompromising and unwavering commitment to always provide appropriate, professional, compassionate, respectful, supportive, understanding, inspiring, and motivational healing patient care that truly made the difference in my recovery.

I hope in the future Matt will be promoted to a leadership in physical therapy to promote ability in all therapists to provide his dynamic approach to superior patient care for the best outcome and benefit of all patients who come to In Motion Physical Therapy. Matt’s personality is responsible in large part for his superior abilities but I think Matt would always find a way to inspire excellence in others.

Matt Ammons is deserving of distinguished commendation for his unique, astounding skills and abilities as a physical therapist. He possesses special abilities in patient care and healing, and the management should be made aware of the huge asset Matt is to the In Motion team and he should be recognized for it.”

+ Learn more about our physical therapy programs at Healthy Way!