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It's Never Too Late To Start Exercising

baby boomer, over 50, exercise, prevention, injury, tipsYou’re never too old to start working out, according to a new study that shows inactive seniors who start exercising still enjoy the health benefits associated with physical activity.

While it’s good to maintain an exercise regimen throughout your life, starting a workout routine when you’re older can also be helpful, researchers at University College London found. The study, which included more than 3,450 healthy seniors, was published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine.

“The results appear to suggest that maintaining or beginning any form of regular activity is beneficial,” the researchers wrote. “This study supports public health initiatives designed to engage older adults in physical activity, even those who are of advanced age.”

Exercise can help improve arthritis symptoms, sleeping and blood pressure.

While the study didn’t prove that exercise prevented diseases, it did show a correlation with “health aging” eight years after exercise habits started. Healthy aging was described as living without developing major chronic disease, depressive symptoms, physical or cognitive impairment.

+ Read more about the health benefits of exercise.

+ Are you eating the right foods for your activity level? At Bon Secours In Motion, our Registered Dietitians help clients live healthier lives through nutritional analysis.