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Recreational Physical Activity May Help Protect Against High Blood Pressure

Bon Secours In Motion Physical Therapy and Sports Performance, running analysis, running injuries, knee pain, hip pain, hip hurts, knee hurts, exercise, sports medicine specialists, sports specialists, marathon training, triathalon trainingWhen you head home from work, do you stop at the gym first? How about on your days off? Do you find yourself working up a good sweat in your free time?

If you spend more than four hours per week exercising during your “leisure time,” chances are you’re lowering your risk of high blood pressure as much as 19 percent compared to people who don’t work out much.

In fact, physical activity in your leisure time could help keep your blood pressure at a healthy level, according to new research in the American Heart Association journal Hypertension.

Researchers pooled results from 13 studies on the effects of physical activity on blood pressure. The studies involved 136,846 people in the United States, Europe or East Asia who initially had healthy blood pressure. More than 15,600 later developed high blood pressure during follow-up periods ranging from two to 45 years.

People who exercised more than four hours per week in their leisure time had a 19 percent lower risk of high blood pressure than those who exercised less than one hour per week. People who had one to three hours per week of leisure exercise had an 11 percent lower risk than those with under an hour of activity.

The findings suggest that the more recreational exercise you enjoy, the more you could be  protected from developing high blood pressure.

Almost 78 million U.S. adults have high blood pressure, defined by the American Heart Association as blood pressure readings at or above 140 millimeters of mercury for the upper number or 90 or higher for the bottom number. The condition typically has no symptoms, so it goes undetected or untreated in many people.

“Hypertension is a risk factor for cardiovascular and kidney disease — thus, it is important to prevent and control hypertension,” said Dr. Wei Ma, study co-author and associate professor at the Shandong University School of Public Health in Jinan, China. “To try to lower your risk of high blood pressure, you should exercise more in your leisure time.”

Researchers were not able to establish a link between physical exertion at work and risk of high blood pressure. Health guidelines urging people to get more exercise don’t distinguish between activity at work and for leisure, said Dr. Bo Xi, lecturer at the Shandong University School of Public Health in Jinan, China, and a co-author with Ma. But, “given the new findings, perhaps they should.”

Physical activity on the job, such as farm or industrial work, can involve exertion like heavy lifting, prolonged standing and repetitive tasks.

Recreational exercise may affect several factors tied to high blood pressure — helping people keep off extra pounds, improving poor insulin sensitivity or reducing the blood vessels’ resistance to blood flow, Ma said.

Although the new research linked recreational exercise and lower blood pressure, it didn’t prove that the exercise prevents the condition. People who exercise for fun may just have healthier lifestyles, Xi said.

Source: American Heart Association

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