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When It Comes to Training: Don't Overlook Your Strengths

Athletic training places a lot of emphasis on correcting athletic weaknesses to boost performance.  We know that reducing vulnerabilities in performance is important to success in high-level sports, but focuses on weaknesses can leave your strengths in terms of your training focus? Neglecting strengths can render the improvements you make on weaknesses meaningless.

You probably love your sport because you’re pretty good at it. Your strengths guided you to baseball or basketball or football, and working on your weaknesses isn’t something you necessarily enjoy. That is exactly why it’s essential to take the time to build on your strengths and appreciate them—so you can continue to feel the way you did when you first started playing.

No sport is fun if you don’t enjoy training for it. If you’re a track runner, you have to enjoy the rush of wind in your hair in order to get through the grind of lactate tolerance training. The same applies to team-sport athletes. If you’re a quarterback who throws extremely accurate long passes you should always include long pass drills during practice to get you through drills where you may be getting sacked.

As an athlete, there will be times when you have to endure pain or boredom to get better. But you can’t do that if your training only incorporates the things you enjoy the least. Get the balance right by focusing on the stuff you enjoy too.

Team Training with the Experts

A sports training specialist can help you keep your passion and interest alive with intense and difficult training sessions designed to build your strengths and your weaknesses. Most importantly a trainer can take an in-depth look at your training to help you enjoy it with new routines and different exercises.

+ Learn more about In Motion’s Sports Performance programs!