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Weight Loss Advice from Dr. Oz

Fans of celebrity physician Dr. Oz appreciate his direct approach to solving health problems.

The TV show host has a wonderful way of conveying important health information in simple terms. Now he’s sending video messages around the web. Fans can pick from a variety of health topics,, which range from sleep problems to fitness tips.

My favorite has to be Dr. Oz’s simple tips for weight loss. When put into place, they can really help people lose weight:

  • Find a buddy who wants to lose weight, too. Working out and eating healthy meals is easier when you do it with a friend.
  • Eat more often because you’ll likely eat less. Also eat within an hour of waking up to keep your hunger at bay.
  • Watch portion sizes. Meat servings should weigh no more than 3 ounces – that’s about the size of a deck of cards. Starch servings should be no bigger than the size of your fist.
  • Switch to a smaller plate size; you’ll eat less.

Alice Warchol is a freelance health blog writer and fitness instructor.

+ Read about Surgical Weight-Loss

+ Know the Risks of Obesity