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Halloween Candy: Time to Put that Bowl Away

As you pack up your Halloween decorations, here’s something else you should put away: the candy bowl.

Trust me, if it’s sitting on the kitchen island, eventually everyone is going to be tempted to open a pack of candy corn. And for many of us, one piece is not enough.

It doesn’t matter that it’s “bite size.” Or one of those mini chocolate bars. Candy is candy, no matter how little of it you eat.

When you’re trying to lose weight and focus on eating healthy foods, the last thing you need to see is that Halloween candy bowl every time you walk into the kitchen.

If you feel guilty about tossing perfectly good candy, consider giving it to an organization that can send it to our troops serving overseas. Many dentists will collect the candy for patients and hand it over to a non profit that takes care of the shipping.

You can also box it up and save it for Valentine’s Day. Or use the hard candies to decorate a gingerbread house.

Whatever you decide, make sure you put it out of sight – and out of your mind. Consider it practice for the next holiday, which usually tempts us with pumpkin and apple pies.

Alice Warchol is a freelance health blog writer and fitness instructor.

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