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Knee Pain in Middle-Aged Women

Knee pain can be miserable and debilitating – especially among women aged 50 and older. According to the American College of Rheumatology, around 2/3 of all women aged 50 and older suffering from some degree of knee pain – chronic or recurring.

Orthopaedic specialists note that women have a higher risk for developing arthritis than men.

If you are suffering from knee pain, your primary care physician can help you determine the cause of the pain. From there you may go visit a sports medicine specialist, or a physical therapist to help manage the pain.

Oftentimes exercise is used as a medicine to strengthen the knee by building the muscles around the aching joint. If you’re already active hire a personal trainer to help you focus on low-impact exercises targeting the muscles around the knees. Also, keep in mind that weight is one of the biggest sources of knee pain – losing weight may also mean losing the pain!