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December: A Great Month to Head Back to the Gym

When January comes, I know the gym is going to be packed. People who haven’t worked out in months will be there to drop any holiday pounds they may have gained.

And that’s exactly why December is a great month to kick off any weight loss goals.

If you’re planning on making some fitness and diet changes this January, I have to ask you something: why are you waiting?

Is it too hard to give up all the holiday treats and champagne?

If it is, what’s going to happen next year when the holidays roll around?

Say you manage to change your eating habits come January. Imagine losing all the weight that’s been slowly forcing you to buy bigger clothes. You would be pretty happy, right?

And then, before you know it, someone brings Halloween candy to work and there’s an extra apple pie at Thanksgiving for you to take home.

With all those holiday temptations, it’s possible you could gain all your weight back before December.

That’s why you have to be honest with yourself when it comes to weight loss.

Are you willing to make a permanent lifestyle change – or just a temporary one?

Just think, if you start working out now – in December – you’ll be one month closer to better health.

Alice Warchol is a freelance health blog writer and fitness instructor.

+ Help a child in your life lose weight with Bon Secours Youth Fitness Program

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